Little shrine that is dedicated to the manga and anime, Nurarihyon no Mago aka Nura Rise of the Yokai Clan, and the couple, Rikuo Nura and Tsurara Oikawa
Thursday, September 4, 2014
reposting the photos... as best as I can.. because I forgot what pictures I was talking about... I guess I will just do the translated fanarts first.
Hello! Could you please include the undercover omake translations too? Please? I really want to know what they said there. Its here It says that the clan members are teasing Rikuo and Tsurara about their relationship. Can you translate it? Even a little? Thank you! Sorry for the trouble!
Hello! Could you please include the undercover omake translations too? Please? I really want to know what they said there. Its here
It says that the clan members are teasing Rikuo and Tsurara about their relationship. Can you translate it? Even a little? Thank you! Sorry for the trouble!